Friday, April 4, 2008

The Unexamined Life

Socrates concluded that the unexamined life was not worth living.  I discovered today that I can expect to live 95 years.  (To determine your own personal life expectancy, see  Without giving away my age, let me just say that leaves me about half a century.  Therefore, because time is pressing, and because it would be a shame to get to the end only to find out that Socrates was right, I figure I better start examining.  

Examination number 1:  Is the unexamined life in fact not worth living?  Or is it simply less meaningful that it might have been?  

Or was Socrates spot off.  Perhaps it's preferable not to examine.  Maybe we should just be?

Would anyone but Socrates really choose actual death over a little harmless vegetation? 

What about plants and animals?  Do they examine?  If they don't, is their life less worth living?

Is examination only important if you're a philosopher?  Or does it transcend your particular field?  If you're a poet, is the unrhymed life not worth living?  Or if you're a lawyer (god forbid), is the unlitigated life not worth living?

What makes life worth living anyway?


mike said...

The "examined" life is surely a two-edged sword depending on whose life. In fact I'm quite sure I prefer a cursory examination when it comes to my own. Yes, a little introspection and self-awareness is probably a good thing but certainly not required for a happy life. In fact looking around it sometimes seems like it's easier to be happy if you can put on the rose tinted glasses and run away from any and all examinations (Tom said this definitely applies to a colonoscopy). And I suspect Socrates was mostly speaking for himself re: the examined life??

sigh said...

well animals lifes are CERTAINLY not any less worth living and that is a fact. Their lifes do not have any less value than ours just because they are animals. By the way cool blog site. Awesome.

jupee said...

And the answer is . . . the Mormons. Girl, slow down. One question per blog entry. I feel like I have fallen and I can't get up. What were we talking about? xoxo jupee (Did I win the prize?)

pb said...

jupee: In response to your voice mail message -- I guess I was trying to get your take, not my own. You can pick one question and answer it. As Oscar did. No, you did not win the prize.

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Unknown said...


pb said...

oscar: I love your advocacy on behalf of animals. Did you know that in the tropical forests there are a group of plants (bromeliads) that collect rain water, creating miniature lakes. The biggest is just over two quarts. One study of 209 plants from the lowlands of Ecuador found 11,219 animals from more than 300 species living in these "lakes." These animals are tiny, obviously, but one species in particular, M. Depessus, a little crab, takes careful care of its young, and the young stick around after birth, which is unusual for crabs. Sometimes a couple of generations of these crabs live together. Why I mention this is that all it would take is a careless whack of the bromeliad and the whole lake would be destroyed, with all the animals in it. You could and probably do destroy such little animals all the time, without even knowing it. So, does it matter how big the animal is in your evaluation of the value of its life? Would this little crab's life have the same value as an elephant's life?

jupee said...

The unexamined life is worth living. But, I believe (and I'm relying on my life as the authority here) the examined life holds more possibility than the unexamined life --more bounty. It is my experience that when I examine and face the truths in my life (whether they are emotions, motivations, behaviors or whatever), that I begin to heal and grow, understand more truth and become more able to widen my path --and even direct it, a little. When I don't examine my life, I usually end up fulfilling somebody else's agenda and have a vague sense of depression, ennui, obligation and exhaustion. Some part of my drive to examine my life is based on fear. Fear of regret. I don't want to get to the end of the road and look back and see lack or missing bandwith or fewer colors. When I'm loosing it, I want to unwrap delicious moments and smile knowing what it was. But that's me.

I do not believe in any way that one truth fits all. What fulfills one leaves another empty.

I also believe it could be possible to be part of a culture where the unexamined life and the examined life are the same thing. But that culture does not currently exist here or now in Salt Lake City where I live or where I'm from.

I think possibility, curiosity, mystery, the unexpected, hope and love make life worth living. I think that feeling you get when you are sitting in a really hot bath and someone washes your back makes life worth living. I think the smell of dirt and sunshine and little boy's sweaty hair and the feeling of warmth and the taste of really good coffee make life worth living. Irony and humor and thinking about something interesting or understanding something for the first time make life worth living. If all else fails, I think the possibility of creating a life for your children makes life worth living.

sigh said...

Well that's a tough one but I would say smaller animas lifes are not excactly of less value than bigger animals lifes but they probably dont know it. Generally a smaler animal would have a smaller brain wouldnt you say. So it is probably not right to kill it on purpose but if you happen to accidentally step on one than they wont know what hit them. Then of course you cant step on an elephant let alone by accident.

pb said...

jupee: I knew you had it in you girl!!! I'm having a hard time deciding whether you or Oscar should get the prize (based on his "can't step on an elephant" observation).

pb said...

mike: Abraham Lincoln was an introspective man who struggled with depression throughout his life. He once wrote to a friend that every time he passed an open window he had to resist the strong pull to throw himself out it. George W. Bush is not an introspective man and appears to be quite happy. I know the world admires Abraham Lincoln, and many of us do not admire George W. Bush. But from the perspective of the person living the life, i.e., Lincoln and Bush themselves, is it better to be Lincoln or is it better to be Bush? Which person would you rather be? Which life would you rather live?

Kevin Peaslee said...

Socrates--a philosopher who ponders, deconstructs, and microscopes existence as his trade--comes to the conclusion that an unexamined life is not worth living. How convenient for him.

Of course it's a much less convenient conclusion for us duller, less introspective, more for-show, sheep-like folks. Those of us in advertising, for example.

Since, like most people, I want to consider my life worth living, I can't buy Socrates' proclamation--at least not whole-heartedly. Instead, I'd say that both examination and non-examination have their place, that both can be good or bad, and that most people live neither an unexamined or examined life, but a complex mix of the two.

Examined, unexamined--these fit in so well with all the other supposed opposites that are complete without one another. Scientific, artistic. Studied, intuitive. Left brain, right brain. Ordered, chaotic. Composed, improvised. Introspective, outgoing. Serious, fun.

Einstein knew his mathematics and physics, but it was his unbridled creativity that led to his breakthroughs. Jazz musician Charlie Parker mastered all the scales, modes, intervals, chord progressions, but then, in his own words, forgot all that when it came time to play and just played.

Anyway, there's my two cents. I say give the prize to jupee for her brilliant post, but definitely give Oscar some serious brownie points for the great elephant line.

Sanford said...

Your Lincoln Bush question suggests a relationship between introspection and unhappiness. Assuming a relationship exists, would George Bush be less happy if he were to look deeper inside himself? Or would you be happier if you stopped? And could you stop? I am not sure you or other people could. How does a person curtail introspection? By keeping busy? By avoiding meditation and Yoga and blogs. Ok maybe.

But I guess you are saying that even if a person could stop and be happier as a result, why you would want to if it meant that in ceasing to examine you would live something of a watered down life.

Assuming I could choose, I think I might pick happiness over introspection, but I really don’t know that it is an option. I think introspection and happiness might operate at a hard wired level, maybe it’s in our DNA. Maybe we can control it a wee bit but we can’t turn it on and off like a water spigot.

Oh, and to sheep boy kpeaslee, don't be pretending you're not an introspecaholic like jupee and pb. You have to admit you've got a problem if you want to get help.

Kevin Peaslee said...

SB, I don't need introspection. I just like it sometimes, you know--like with dinner or at parties. I could quit anytime. So don't you be accusing me of having an introspection problem, alright?

jupee said...

SB: You get huge points for "instrospecaholic." But, if happiness (as you write about it) is what you're after, you're going to need more than a lack of introspection. (Tying Abe's depression to instrospection is a leap --it could just have easily have been chronic pain from the wooden teeth --or was that George Washington --anyway did Abe know why he was bummed? Pehaps he needed MORE instrospection.) That kind of sustained hapiness requires intervention in the form of pills (happy valley swallows them at twice the national average) or a frontal labotomy. In fact, one of the happiest women I know is about 80 and received a frontal labotomy in response to her inability to control what her husband described as "sustained cyring jags." Saying it cured her crying jags is putting it mildly. The woman has sustained a euphoria that has lasted amost 45 years. Nothing bothers her, one bit. So open wide and gulp it ya'll. Be done with ethics, responsibility, compassion and my children. I'm in the mood to be happy!!!!!!!!!!! (multiple exlamation points intended!!!!!!!!!!)

pb said...

Prizes as follows:

To jupee for most sensual and poetic.
To mike for least time spent thinking about it.
To kpeaslee for best dis on Socrates.
To oscar for most trenchant observation regarding facts in the real world.
To atticus for unbridled advocacy on behalf of the rainforest.
To sanford barrett for most concern for welfare of fellow bloggers.

Please stay tuned for new post tomorrow (or thereabouts) appropos of jupee's lobotomy inquiry. There will, as always, be prizes awarded. Remember, you must be present to win.

jupee said...

That is the prize? Next time can you get me something from the Kura Door? You're almost as bad as my primary teacher. Her idea of a "special treat" was an extra story about Emma Smith. Sheesh girl. Serious flashback.